We got another early start at first light to put us within 30 miles of Charleston. The tides in this part are huge, 4-8 ft in areas! My Florida senses aren't use to such variations yet. We caught the tide right and averaged 6-6.5 and topping out at 8.5 knots today under power and no sail because, you guessed it, wind right on the nose. The swamps south of Myrtle Beach were a larger version of the Dismal with various country marinas strewn every so often. We passed by the Great Pee Dee River (big brother no doubt to the Little Pee Dee) ad entered the Winyah Bay where there was a paper mill hard at work (shout out to my friends at AF&PA). The intracoastal turned south out of the bay and became nerve rackingly shallow very quickly, from 29' to 7 and 6.5. The worst part was creeping through the Santee River Swamp with readings as low as 5' and channel markers far and few. We made it and hammered down once the tide started rolling against us. After monitoring and keeping a sharp eye for a boat that was in trouble (the Coast Guard's twin 250 motors got there before my 28) we turned into Leland Oil Co. for the evening. What a great little fishing town an as it turns out Mr Leland apparently owns most of the water access (and probably the town). We were invited to stay for Independence Day but had to respectfully decline. Unfortunately we will miss their smorgasbord of fresh caught sea goodies!
Charleston tomorrow!
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