The Bridge of Lions in St Augustine, a beautiful welcome back! |
Four months late (for a blog post) doesn't seem that much longer in the grand scheme of things, but for me it feels like it's been an eternity. It was just five months ago that I found myself working in the big city, making ends meet and being "all grown up" and now I'm in law school preparing for my first semester exams. How quickly things change. I've come to realize that my return aboard Mischief represented more than just a neat opportunity; it ushered in a transformation to the next chapter in my life. I was lucky to be able to share this journey with some of the people who I hold dearest in my life, friends and family members that helped me prepare, crew and conclude this voyage. If not for their help and support, who knows, I may have actually gotten lost (for the record we did nearly get lost as we were diverted up the New River towards Jacksonville, NC...)! To everyone that helped and followed the journey, thank you!
Looking back, I am constantly struck by the shear power of the ocean, and more generally, mother nature. The ocean and weather seemed to challenge us at every turn and at one point offering force strong enough to rank as one of the most fearful points in my life. But, just as the sea can push us to our limits, she offers up some of the most spiritually profound and moving moments. Whether staring into the foaming face of an angry sea or watching the sky change from black to purple, then to pink and orange as the sun rises up leaves a significant impression and makes you realize, while there are things in life you can't control, your life is your own and anything less than living every day to the fullest is a waste.
This semester of school has taken me away from Mischief and taken me off the water however, I am hopeful that during winter break and into the spring we can renew that passion that only a skipper can have with his vessel.
More posts to come on planned work ideas.